Gold and silver – 5 ways to invest
When we think of precious metals, gold and silver are two names that come first to the mind. Seasoned investors usually put their capital in these two metals to safeguard against the volatile stock market and inflation. Even central banks and other government entities choose to invest in precious metals. The US government is the largest investor of gold stocks in the world. But finding the best place to buy silver and gold may be difficult for beginners. Let’s take a look a the different modes of investment for these two precious metals. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) There are many ETFs in the market. You can buy gold and silver from the stock market, just like any regular stock. Since the supply of mines is outweighed by hoarded supply in gold, its prices will only fall when hoarders sell and vice-versa. Beginners should start by looking into iShares Gold and Silver Trusts. Bullion Traditional buyers usually prefer to buy gold and silver coins in their physical form. The best place to buy silver and gold bullion coins is the US mint, or you can contact any local coin supplier. The American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, and South African Krugerrand contain certain proportions of gold depending on the currency value.
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