4 ways in which excess sugar affects the nervous system
Sugar is one of the most widely and regularly used ingredients in many foods and beverages. It provides a short energy boost that can be quite rewarding. This is why many people indulge in sugary sweets and beverages, to repeatedly mimic the benefit. However, indulgences can turn into addictions, leading to excessive sugar consumption that disrupts the functioning of the central nervous system. Here are some common signs one should look out for. Cognitive issues Excess sugar negatively impacts a person’s memory and learning capabilities. High glucose levels in the blood stream can slow down thinking, affect attention span, and trigger inflammation in the brain. Sugar can also create an imbalance in brain chemicals and affect hormones to cause mood swings. One might experience depression and increased anxiety as blood glucose levels continue to fluctuate. Vision problems Overindulging in sugary foods can trigger focal nerve damage that directly affects one’s vision. Common signs of vision problems in the early stages include trouble with focusing on objects or experiencing double vision. The brain loses its ability to automatically identify and focus on individual objects in the foreground while blurring the background and vice versa. Peripheral vision is also affected due to these reasons.
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